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MLA 8 Resources

The Modern Language Association dictates the citation method used in English courses and MLA 8 is its current version. View the slide show for an overview of MLA and its terminology and use the links below for additional assistance.

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Evaluating Internet Sources

Finding reliable sources can be a challenge, especially on the internet. Use the CRAAP Test detailed on this question-based guide to evaluate each of your sources.

Career Exploration Resources

“Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.”

— Katherine Whitehorn, British Journalist


"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."

— President Theodore Roosevelt

Primary Sources

"Primary sources are the raw materials of history," says the Library of Congress and give "students a powerful sense of history and the complexity of the past." Use these links as a starting place for finding primary sources for your history projects.

Evaluating the Quality of the News

"Not all news sources are reliable or trustworthy. Many companies claim to be news sources but are really entertainment blogs or websites driven by advertising dollars and clicks. As a researcher and personal consumer of news, it is your responsibility to evaluate the news sources you wish to cite," says the University of Texas Library.*

Copyright & Fair Use in Blogging

Blogging has become a popular method of both formal and informal online communication. Click on the slide show for an overview of blogging, the intellectual property issues that bloggers face, and some strategies for ethically navigating them.

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